Watch The Moment DKB Nearly Walked Out Of UTV’s United Showbiz After Halifax Said He Has ‘Big Head With Small Sense’

post by: Dwomoh Darlingberg for
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On UTV’s ‘United Showbiz’ show last night, comedian DKB nearly walked off the show after one of the panelists on the show, Halifax Ansah Addo indirectly said that he has a disease called BHSS (Big Head Small Sense).

Even though Halifax, who happens to be the host of Okay FM’s ‘Best Entertainment Show’ did not directly say DKB has a big head and small sense, his utterance was made soon after DKB has made a comment so he took great offense.

An angry-looking DKB asked that Halifax redraw the statement and apologize to him because the comment was in bad taste, especially when it was made on live TV with a lot of people watching.

It took some time because Halifax was trying to play smart, he eventually gave in and apologized to DKB because he didn’t want the show to suffer that bad image since he was an employee of Despite Media himself.

Watch the video below:

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